

Trip Pulau Tidung 9-10 Oktober 2010

Perjalanan kami kali ini bersama rombongan besar yang diorganisir oleh bapak Adam Setiono dari PT. Pertiwi Agung, Cibitung Bekasi.
Pickup point sudah ditetapkan yaitu Depan Ramayana Bekasi Barat dan Slipi Jaya, Jakarta dimana hal ini merupakan salah satu kelebihan tebejowo yang memberikan kemudahan bagi para peserta yang akan berwisata agar tidak usah repot-repot mengadakan transportasi sendiri untuk tiba ke Muara Angke.  

Setibanya di Muara Angke terlihat beberapa peserta dari tim lain telah berkumpul didepan pelabuhan Muara Angke, ada yang membawa kendaraan pribadi (dengan resiko hilang karena belum mengenal medan di pelabuhan) atau menggunakan taksi sampai dengan angkot carteran berkumpul di depan pelabuhan Muara Angke. 
Peserta seperti ini biasanya mempergunakan Event Organizer (EO) yang hanya mengkoordinir dilokasi darat (Jakarta) untuk selanjutnya di titipkan ke pengelola transportasi laut (ojek perahu) untuk selanjutnya diserahkan/dijemput oleh pengelola di pulau. Memang EO seperti ini menawarkan harga yang cukup murah akan tetapi peserta wisata belum menyadari karena biaya yang dikeluarkan akan sama banyaknya (bahkan lebih....) belum lagi kenyamanan selama berada dikapal. Sedangkan bagi kami pengarahan/guidance selama perjalanan justru yang terpenting karena mereka telah meberikan kepercayaan kepada kita dan bagi kami "it is not business as usual" Kenyamanan peserta wisata adalah tanggung jawab kami terutama kondisi rileks  dan nyaman selama dalam perjalanan di laut.
Beberapa peserta yang baru pertama kali ke pulau Seribu tentu akan bertanya-tanya pulau yang kami lalui, dan selama dalam perjalan itu pula 3 orang guide yang kami terjunkan ke lapangan dengan sigap menjawab pertanyaan para perserta tersebut.

“Tenang bapak-ibu, pelampung tersedia karena tebejowo sudah bekerja sama dengan pengelola kapal untuk menyediakan life-vest/pelampung dan hanya akan dikeluarkan dalam keadaan  darurat saja”
“Dikanan ini pulau Onrust”
 “Itu pulau Kelor, yang kecil dan mempunyai benteng peninggalan Portugis”
“Pulau Untung Jawa, pak dan disebelahnya pulau Rambut yang tidak berpenghuni dan banyak didiami oleh burung-burung”
“Ini pulau Bidadari, resort penginapan yang terdekat”
Begitulah jawaban yang keluar dari guide kami menanggapi beberapa pertanyaan peserta kali ini yang cukup excited untuk berlibur di Kepulauan Seribu.

Tidak terasa hujan disertai angin besar yang menyertai kami setiba di Muara Angke ternyata membawa berkah karena kondisi ini membuat beberapa Petugas Pelabuhan didampingi Provost turun langsung dan mengawasi kapal-kapal yang akan berangkat dengan turut serta menertibkan penumpang yang memilih duduk diatas kapal lain yang tidak memiliki pengaman cukup memadai untuk perjalanan laut.

“Ayo turun dibawah kosong, kalau tidak turun kapal tidak boleh jalan!”
'Ombak cukup besar nanti, demi keselamatan silahkan duduk dibagian dalam kapal”
Begitu instruksi para petugas tersebut.
Sungguh kami merasakan bahwa perhatian pemerintah cukup besar terhadap moda transportasi ke Kepulauan Seribu ini. Salut pak! Keep up the good work!

Kapal yang kami tumpangi, Bisma 2, adalah kapal yang baru beberapa bulan saja beroperasi, selain mempunyai ukuran paling besar dibanding kapal lain, struktur pengaman kapal Bisma 2 merupakan yang paling baik dan nyaman dilengkapi dengan mesin kapal yang masih baru dan terdengar masih halus. Kapalpun jalan dengan jumlah penumpang yang sedikit. Tak perlu berdesak-desakan lho,  nyaman, asyik….

Cuaca yang tadi hujan dan mendung di Muara Angke, seketika berubah ditengah perjalanan menjadi cerah dengan kondisi angin yang mereda. Kapal kami pun tiba lebih cepat dari jadwal yaitu pukul 09.30. 

Kamipun tiba di Pulau Tidung dalam cuaca cerah yang sangat jauh dari perkiraan kami sebelumnya, setelah tiba kamipun beristirahat sejenak sepeda yang telah tersedia langsung dikayuh masing-masing peserta untuk mengisi waktu luang untuk explore pulau tersebut sebelum acara utama snorkeling. Akan tetapi terlebih dahulu, makan!

Setelah makan siang kita langsung bersiap untuk snokeling di 3 pulau karena muatan yang cukup bnyak terpaksa menggunakna kapal yang jauh lebih besar selain demi faktor kenyamanan dan keselamatan. Akan tetapi sayang kapal tidak bisa merapat di belakang rumah, jadi kami mesti berjkalan ke perlabuhan yang berjarak hanya 60 meter saja sih…hehehehehe

Mari snorkliiiinggg….[psssttt…disini yg terjadi adalah…belajaar renaaangg..bukannya nikmatin terumbu karang, wekkksss…] Tapi itu hnaya terjadi 20-30 menitan, sisanya hampir seluruh peserta sudah bisa menikmati bersnorkeling….. Oiya, ada yang akhirnya gak turun sama sekali lhoooo  (siapa hayooooo?????) padahal guide tersedia 6 orang, termasuk nahkoda yang berjaga-jaga mengawasi peserta dari atas kapal…. Aman kok….. hehehehehe

Cuaca siang ini sangat bersahabat, ombak sangat tetang dan angin bertiup kecil saja. Otomatis penetrasi cahaya matahari kedalam air laut semakin menambah gemerlah karang-karang dan ikanpun semakin lincah berenang kesana kemari.
Acara snorkeling di Pulau Air dan Pulau Payung terus berjalan sesuai rencana dan Trip ke Pulau Beras di batalkan karena lebih menarik di Pulau Tidung Kecil.

Akhirnya, ini foto favorit kami!

Guys & Gals, jangan lupa dokumentasi akan dikirim ke kantor ya (ternyata kita tetanggaan, heheheheh)  Enjoy!.
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Marine Fish in Tidung Island

Various marine fishes can be found during snorkeling at Tidung Island, Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta listed below:


Indonesia: Dasi  Biru

Bluefin Damsel

Bluefin Damsel, Neoglyphidodon melas is also known as the Royal Damsel or the Zulu Damsel. Another common name, Bowtie Damsel, comes from the adult coloration (juvenile coloration pictured) where the body darkens and dark stripes appear near the gill area, thus resembling a bow tie. This fish is commonly found in the Indian & Pacific Oceans. The Neoglyphidodon genus are omnivores that thrive with a variety of prepared and frozen foods. Damsels are hardy and are reef safe. They will swim actively at all levels of the aquarium. It is fairly aggressive (moreso as an adult) and is a great fish for aquarists of all experience levels. 

Indonesia: Sersan Mayor

Sergeant Major Damsel

Sergeant Major Damsel, Abudefduf saxatilisis a beautiful fish with stripes of alternating colors running vertically along the body of the fish. This fish is commonly found in the Western Atlantic, including the New England, USA coastline. Damsels are hardy and are reef safe. They will swim actively at all levels of the aquarium. It is generally peaceful, but may be somewhat territorial and aggressive as an adult. As is typical with many fish of its family, its colors may be somewhat less distinct as the fish ages. A great fish for aquarists of all experience levels.

Indonesia: Coklat

Lawnmower Blenny

Lawnmower Blennies, Salarias fasciatus, can be found living in the coral rubble of several reefs of the Indo Pacific region. An amusing addition to the sand bed of your aquarium, Lawnmower Blennies are also useful in the control of micro algae. The mottled brown coloration of this Blenny is decorated with a number of small blue jewel marks. Blennies are highly territorial by nature and multiple types of Blennies should only be attempted in larger aquariums that can afford numerous hiding places. 

Indonesia: Kepe Biasa


Pebbled Butterflyfish, Chaetodon guttatissimus, is often found living on or around the reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans as well as the Red Sea. Members of the genus Chaetodon make gorgeous inhabitants of fish only aquariums. Soft Corals and most Invertebrates should do fine with the Butterflyfish, but it may likely decimate Stony Corals, as they are a part of its natural diet. Peaceful or non-aggressive tankmates are recommended to reduce stress on the Butterfly. When Butterflyfish are first introduced to the aquarium, they may refuse to eat. Should the fish continue this behavior for three or more days, live food should be offered (if not from the beginning). Food soaked in a garlic product will often entice the Butterfly to eat. Another useful method to encourage some Butterflyfish to eat is to place their food inside of a coral skeleton. Groupings of Butterflyfish can be introduced simultaneously in the same aquarium, making a stunning display. It is best to make sure that the fish have plenty of aquarium space each when adding a group. Live Rock and multiple places to hide also helps to reduce stress in a group introduction situation. 

Indonesia: Jae Jae

Green Chromis

Green Chromis, Chromis viridis is a popular aquarium schooling fish originating in the Indian & Pacific Oceans. Its green body is sometimes highlighted by blue or yellow tones, depending on lighting and other conditions. As is typical with many fish of its family, its colors may be somewhat less distinct as the fish ages. The Chromisgenus are omnivores that thrive with a variety of prepared and frozen foods. This hardy and reef safe schooling fish will swim actively at all levels of the aquarium. The Green Chromis is generally peaceful (possibly a little more aggressive as an adult), but is still a great fish for aquarists of all experience levels. 

Indonesia: Betok Hitam Putih

Bicolor Chromis

Bicolor Chromis, Chromis iomelas is a lovely fish commonly found in the Pacific Ocean. A black body and white tail characterize it. As it ages, the two distinct colors blend into a rather drab gray. TheChromis genus are omnivores that thrive with a variety of prepared and frozen foods. They are hardy and reef safe and will swim actively at all levels of the aquarium. The Bicolor Chromis is somewhat peaceful as a juvenile, but will likely become aggressive as it ages. For hardiness, it is a great fish for aquarists of all experience levels.


Indonesia: Betok Emas

Brighteye Damsel

Scientific Name: Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis
Recommended Aquarium: 50+ Gallons
Approx. Adult Size: 2 ½ inches
Temperament: Peaceful
Ease of Care:Easy
Reef Safe: Yes
Native Waters:Pacific, Hawaii

Like most Damsels, the Brighteye will show some aggression towards other Damsels and would do best in small groups of at least 5 fish, all introduced at the same time. It will not bother most other fish or invertebrates and will accept a wide variety of prepared foods, flake, pellets and frozen.


Indonesia: Blue Devil

Orangetail Damsel

Orangetail Damsel, Chrysiptera cyanea, is commonly found in the Indian & Western Pacific Oceans. Also known as the Sapphire Damsel, its bright blue body is accented by its red-orange tail. The Chrysiptera genus are omnivores that thrive with a variety of prepared and frozen foods. They will swim actively at all levels of the aquarium and may be somewhat territorial and aggressive as an adult. A great fish for aquarists of all experience levels.

Indonesia: Kepe Belang

Chaetodon Octofasciatus

The Eight-banded Butterflyfish is white or yellowish with eight vertical black bands There are seven black stripes on the head and body and one on the tail. Their is also a black stripe along the top of the snout. The dorsal and anal fins are also edged with black.

length to 12cm

Sheltered coral reef lagoons and inshore reefs at depths from 3m to 20m. Adults swim in pairs. Juveniles are seen in groups amongst Acropora corals.

coral polyps. 

Oviparous. Forms pairs during breeding.

The Eight-banded Butterflyfish is found in tropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific. In Australia it has been recorded around offshore islands of north-western coast of Western Australia. 

Indonesia: Ikan Jarum

Striped Shrimpfish

Scientific Name: Aeoliscus strigatus
Recommended Aquarium: 50+ Gallons
Approx. Adult Size: 6 inches
Temperament: Peaceful
Ease of Care:Expert
Reef Safe: Yes
Native Waters:Indo-Pacific

This unusual fish is best suited for species only tanks, or with possible tankmates like Seahorses and Pipefish. They will do best in groups that will hover vertically, with their head faced down. The Striped Shrimpfish will require a mature system of Live Rock and is best kept in a system with a refugium. They will prefer to eat live brine shrimp, glass shrimp and maybe daphnia. More active fish will bother the Shrimpfish. It will not bother corals and can be found hovering in Acropora, seagrasses, Staghorn coral and the spines of the Diadema urchins. 

Approximate arrival size for the Striped Shrimpfish: Small 2 to 3 inches, Medium 3 to 5 inches

Colored Parrotfish

Scientific Name: Scarus sp.
Recommended Aquarium: 75+ Gallons
Approx. Adult Size: 6 inches
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Ease of Care:Easy
Reef Safe: No
Native Waters:Caribbean

This Parrotfish will require multiple feedings a day as it has a voracious diet. It will leave soft corals alone, but will chomp on Live Rock and Stony Corals. It makes a good addition to a fish only tank and rarely would bother other fish. 

Approximate arrival size for the Colored Parrotfish: Large 4+ inches

Indonesia: Dokter

Cleaner Wrasse

Cleaner Wrasses, Labroides dimidiatus, are found dispersed throughout the waters of the Indo Pacific region. These quick little fish are a favorite of aquarium fish and curators alike. In the wild, the Cleaner Wrasse will establish a cleaning station where other fish wait in line for their turn to have parasites removed from their bodies. The Wrasse is receiving a meal in trade. In the home aquarium, live brine and mysid shrimp should be offered as a supplemental source of food. For the home aquarium, CleanerShrimp are highly recommended as a hardier natural Cleaner choice. (Fire Shrimp and Coral Banded Shrimp may also have some effectiveness as Cleaners.)

This fish requires special care and is traditionally difficult to keep. It is, therefore, recommended only for the advanced aquarist or for aquatic research facilities

Indonesia: Keling Ijo

Green Bird Wrasse

Green Bird Wrasse, Gomphosus varius, is a native to both the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Male Bird Wrasses have a green coloration while females are dark brown to black. This carnivore readily adapts to aquarium life when offered a wide variety of meaty foods such as Brine Shrimp. It will reach a mature size in the wild of approximately 12 inches and is generally not recommended for a reef aquarium. A sand bed and Live Rock should be provided for all Wrasses. They will bury themselves in the sand to sleep or hide. Live Rock provides numerous small life forms that the Wrasses consider a tasty treat as well as another place to hide when they feel threatened. 

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