

More Places, Easier to be contacted . . .

Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your consideration to choose tebejowo as your event-organizer for your company/personal/group vacation/s. We are always available to answer any questions you might have about tebejowo products and services.
We definitely understand that we’re not the cheapest vacation provider you might find about particular trip but if you might consider for an enjoyable trip and a well-documented events for your pleasure, we will assure that you have what you might thinking of a vacation should be.
Fundamentally, as part of our attitude for continual improvement in any aspect of our services, you, the consumer, as of today have a choice of how to make an arrangement of your vacation with tebejowo, schedule, packages item or even on how to contact us is your choice.  We provide various instant messengers (Yahoo, GTalk, Skype, Live Messengers, Blackberry messenger and multiple email accounts (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail) for you to communicate credential about your exclusive trip.

We hope that you, like hundreds of other customers around the world have done and choose tebejowo products and services for your vacation and enhance your understanding and experience on local unique and various Indonesia heritages. As always, we invite your comments and feedback on how we can continue to serve our customers. Feel free to visit tebejowo site at
Thank you,
Tebejowo Island Adventure


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