

Whitewater Rafting Tips

Pleasant, Fun dan Safety is our utmost priority
Whether on vacation or just getting out of the house to cool off, whitewater rafting is a fun and invigorating outdoor activity and a great way to enjoy the outdoors no matter what your ability or experience level.
White water rafting is not just for the crazy hard core mountain people anymore. But there are a few steps that you can take to insure that your white water experience is a good one that you will look back on your experience in a positive way for years to come

1. Choose a licensed and professional rafting outfitterWhen shopping for an outfitter, ask them questions. This will let you know that you are working with a professional outfitter. Picking a professional outfitter will help ensure that the following
rules are followed.

2. Always wear a life jacket or PFD.
Although just because you wear a life jacket, it doesn’t mean it will save your life. It must be worn correctly. All buckles must be clipped and the jacket should be fitted snug to your body. The
trick here is to have the jacket fitted so you can breathe yet the jacket should not be able to be pulled up over your head. Always have your professional guide fit your jacket. This will insure a perfect fit.

3. Be safe and comfortable. Wear the protective gear.
Always wear a helmet no matter what level of rafting you are participating in. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t let your kids out to ride their bike or go roller blading without a helmet, why go whitewater
rafting without one? It just makes good sense.
Wear all protective gears, rightfully!

4. Make sure you have the right outerwear for the day.
Wearing a wet suit, splash jacket, and proper river shoes can make the trip much more comfortable,
allowing you to enjoy the thrill without the chill. On the other side of the spectrum: be prepared for sunny clear days. This can be accomplished by wearing quick drying clothing like polypro and wearing sunscreen and a cheap pair of sunglasses with UV protection. Remember sunburns can happen fast at higher elevation and can be severe. Sunburns or hypothermia are no fun.

5. Know the proper swimming techniques.
When swimming in the river, whether you fall out or you jump in for fun. The “Down River Swimmers Position”. This is on your back, nose and toes to the sky with your head up so you can see where you are going. Feet down stream with your knees slightly bent. This way if you come in contact with a rock you can use your feet and legs as shock absorbers and push off the rock.

6. Stay in the boat!
This sounds like common sense, but it can happen. One minute you are in the boat and the next you are swimming next to it. When rafting, pay attention and watch for rocks coming from downstream. Your guide may use a command called “Bump” just before the boat hits a rock. If your guide calls out, “Bump!” lean in while placing your paddle “T” grip on the floor of the boat. Make sure you still keep your hand over the grip. If the “Bump” command is executed correctly your blade end of the paddle will be up in the air and your fist over the grip will be on the floor of the boat. This should keep you in the boat. After the boat collides with the rock,
return to your seat and be ready to paddle. If you fall out of the boat, the most important thing to do is…
DON’T PANIC! Find your boat. Your guide will go over this in great detail during the safety talk before the trip.

7. Know the commands – High-Siding.
When you are listing to your guide’s safety talk before the trip, pay extra attention to the part about high siding. High-siding is a command that your guide may call out as a last ditch effort to keep the boat from capsizing. Remember: don’t panic! Chances are this won’t happen, but if it does you will have wished you paid attention during the safety talk. This situation tends to stress both guides and clients out but really it is a super easy command to execute. If the boat hits a rock or gets in a hydraulic, the boat is usually in a sideways position in the river. Water pressure will build on the upstream side of the boat, which can flip the boat over. But if your guide on the spot and calls out, “High-side!” you need to go to the downstream part of the boat (the way the water is moving) by getting up and throwing your weight to the downstream tube of the raft. Easy peasy! Remember to always go the direction the river is flowing: downstream.

8. Never panic!
Panicking is a waste of time. Listen to your guide during the safety talk and on the water.
Your experienced Raft Masters’ guide

For any assistance in your adventure, click here


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