

We’re improving! (again and again! ☺)

When tebejowo blog was first launched last year, our missions were fairly humble.  We simply thought there should be an easier way for domestic travellers to find the cheapest, yet complete and well-documented travel agent. As a bit of a novelty, we thought it might be cool to write a report for each trip once it was done via our natural-language (Indonesian).
At that stage it was just a side-project from other pursuits; a way to try our hand at distributing and developing economy for our local people and econ information on building consumer-focused web-reports and see what we could learn that we might put to use in a more serious venture.

It’s fast approaching six months later and, well; we didn’t get a chance to look for a more serious venture.  It turns out that many people in the world over agreed that a much better option was needed in travel search, and liked the look of what we had to offer.
With their support and encouragement, we immersed ourselves in the travel world and worked hard to create a blog that provide more local interests that supports spontaneous, adventurous and nomadic styles of travel; a tool that enables passionate travellers to explore options and discover great new destinations, and that combines the best fares from different low-cost agency to help budget-conscious travellers get to places in the most convenient or affordable way possible. It is also provide an exclusive trip with various personal requests.

More and more tourist from abroad request our best service and so today we’re pleased to announce that our blog would also be write in English depend on the client to understand and share the note with friends or beloved one.

As always, thanks a million for your supports and hopefully we can serve you even better in the future. 


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